

  • 1. Konzertmeister, Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal
  • Violinist, New Orford String Quartet
  • Assistent Professor, Schulich Musikschule, McGill Universität

I have the pleasure of having Richard Benoit be the primary caretaker of the violin I have been privileged to play on, an exquisite Michel’Angelo Bergonzi (1744) from Cremona.  With his exceptional attention to detail, craftsmanship, finely-tuned hearing, and judgment, Richard has completely reshaped what I thought was possible for a luthier to do.  Our relationship has deepened with each visit and I find myself continually awestruck by the results he is able to achieve with creative and simple solutions alike.


  • 2. Konzertmeister, Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal

I have known Richard for many years and he is the only caretaker of the beautiful Michele Deconet (1754) that I have been playing since 2008.  Richard is not only a perfectionist who is highly meticulous in his work, he has great ears: a soundpost adjustment with him is so easy!  He is very receptive to my demands and always exceeds them.  His physical work on the instrument is flawless and I wholeheartedly recommend him to all the musicians I meet.



  • Violaspielerin & Musikbibliothekar, Orchestre de Chambre I Musici de Montréal

Ce qu’un interprète joue est d’abord conçu à l’intérieur de lui-même, et l’instrument avec lequel il travaille doit lui permettre de recréer la sonorité et la musicalité qu’il porte en lui.

C’est pourquoi un bon luthier est essentiel.  Richard a cette étonnante faculté de toujours trouver les mots justes pour décrire les infimes nuances de son, les plus subtiles réactions d’un instrument, ou même les sensations d’un archet sur les cordes.  La capacité qu’il a de  comprendre ce que je ressens quand je joue nous permet de nous entendre sur la direction à prendre et de trouver les bons ajustements.  Il suggère mais n’impose pas, respecte profondément le musicien avec lequel il travaille et semble avoir une inépuisable réserve de patience.



  • Cello soloist and chamber musician
  • Adjunct professor, Faculty of Music, Université de Montréal

Richard Benoit is my luthier of choice since many years.  I entrust my cello to him without hesitation.  His level of technical mastery is as admirable as the sense of integrity that he brings to his work.  Richard is also a precious ally when it comes to adjustments.  Not only does he understand the subject thoroughly, he also possesses excellent ears as well as a rare ability to communicate with the musician to best define the desired sound quality.  I enthusiastically recommend him to students and colleagues alike.


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Bilder:  Julia Marois, Alain Lefort, Roger Proulx & Shimon